my mother at sixty six question and answer/class 12

my mother at 66

Class-12: English Question and Answers:


My Mother at Sixty-SIX

--Kamala Das



About the poet: Kamala Das was born in Punnayurkulam, Thrissur District in Kerala, on March 31, 1934, to V. M. Nair, former managing director of a widely-circulated Malayalam daily. Her mother was also a renowned Malayali poetess. Like her mother, Kamala Das also excelled in writing. Her love of poetry began at an early age though the influence of her great uncle, Nalappatt Narayana Menon, a prominent writer. However, she did not start writing professionally until she got married and became a mother.

Kamala wished to begin writing, her husband supported her decision to augment the family's income. She would often wait yntil nightfall after her family had gone to sleep and would write until morning: "There was only the kitchen table where i would cut vegetables, and after all the plates and things were cleared, I would sit there and start typing ". This rigorous schedule took it tool upon her health..

At the age 42, she published her autobiography, My Story, which was later translated into many foreign languages. Her works are available in French, Spanish, Russia, German and Japanese.

On 31 May 2009, aged 75, she died at a hospital in Pune.

Class-12: English Question and Answers:

Summary of My Mother At Sixty-Six: A poignant of a daughter’s feelings at the realization that her mother was ageing and inching close to death, ‘My Mother at Sixty-six’ carries a Universal appeal. The poet was in a car along with her Sixty-Six years old mother, on her way to Cochin airport from her parent’s house. The old Lady dozed off with her mouth open. The poet notice her face that had grown pale as that of a corpse and the painful truth surfaced in her mind that her mother was very old. She tried to shift her thoughts away from the sad sight and gazed outside at the green trees and little children running out of their house. But once again, at the airport, the poet looked at her mother’s pale visage which seemed faded like a late winter’s moon. A familiar ache which she had experienced since childhood, pierced though her heart.  It was the fear of losing her mother that painfully haunted her. Yet, putting on a brave front and hiding the fear behind a smile, she bid her mother goodbye with the words ‘See you soon, Amma’     



My Mother At Sixty-Six NCERT Solutions:


Class-12: English Question and Answers:


1.What is the kind of pain and ache that the poet feels? ***

Ans: It is a kind of pain that the poet Kamala das has entertained   since her childhood. This is the fear of decay and death that spare none with ageing separation and become unavoidable.


2. Why are the young tress described as ‘sprinting’? ***

Ans: Whenever we travel by a fast running vehicle the standing objects appear to be running fast. So the trees are described in that way they provide a stark contrast to the passive old leady sitting inside the car.


3.Why has the poet brought in the image of the merry children ‘ spilling out of their homes’? ***

Ans: The poet brought the image into enhance the poetic effect. Her mother is lifeless passive and pale.

      On the other hand outside the car the would is full of moment life and happiness. The joy us children coming out in large number are contrasting to the sad lifeless painful, instance of poet mother.


4.Why has the mother been compared to the ‘late winter’s moon’? ***

Ans: The poet kamala das mother’s face is pall like ask. It has last all the brightness and power like the moon of the late winter so, she had been compound to that.


5.What do the parting words of the poet her smile signify? **


         What do the poet parting words suggest?

Ans: When the poet Kamala Das feels the familiar fear of death and decay of her children. She understand that with ageing separation and death are unavailable, They spare none. Therefore one day her mother will also die. To hide this fear inevitable separation she bids goodbye to her mother with smiles.


My Mother At Sixty-Six important Question and Answer:


Class-12: English Question and Answers:



1.What do that young Sprinting trees signify? ***

Ans: The young sprinting trees signify powerful alien of the youth.


2.What was the childhood fear that now troubled the poet? **

Ans: The childhood fear that troubled the poet now was that her Mother was growing sick and old. She was fearful for her health.


3.Why did the poet smile and smile? ***

Ans: The poet smile and smile only because she wanted to hide her fears from her mother.


4.What did to the speaker do after the security check? **

Ans: After the security check the poet stood a few yards away and looked at her mother again.


5.Who looked out of the young tree? **

Ans: The poet looked out of the young tree.


6.Which thought did the speaker put away? **

Ans: The poet put the thought their ageing and decaying mother away from her mind. Her corpse like ashen face reminded her of mother   approaching death.


7.Where was the poet driving to? ***

Ans: The poet was driving from her parent home to Cochin airport’


8.What did the poet notice when her mother at sit beside her? ***

Ans: When her mother’s sit beside her the poet noticed that her Mother was dozing with her mouth open.


9.Explain the statement -“I saw my mother”? ***

Ans: The poet Kamala das was driving her car to Cochin airport from her parent home. Her mother was by her, she looked at her mouth mother face she was dozing. Her faces look pale like ask and lifeless like a dead body. It pained the poet.


10.Fine out the words from the poem which means sleep lightly, and bead body? **

Ans: Sleep lightly - Doze

           Dead body – Corpse


11.Why is mother’s face like that of a corpse? ***

Ans: The poet mother’s face it almost like that of corpse because she has lost her young energy and freshness.


12.What are the merry children spilling out if their homes symbolic? **

Ans: The merry children spilling out of their home is symbolic of young energy and passion.


13.Who looked out at the young tree from the car and why? **

Ans: The poet Kamala Das looked out at the young tree from the car because she wanted to overcome her pain.


14.What are the images used by poet to signify the ageing of her mother? **

Ans: the used of image in the poem appropriate that we can visualise the picture as clearly as the poet had seen. The pale face is described as ‘ashen like that of a corpse’ and her appearance as ‘a late winter’s moon’. To bring out the contrast, she describes the younger side of life as ‘Young Trees sprinting and merry children spilling out, of their homes’ highlighting the image of actively as against the frail passivity of her mother.


15.How does the poet present the contrast between the worlds that exist in the car and outside it? **

Ans: in the car, seated beside the poet was her ageing mother, pale and weak, inching gradually towards death. Disturbed by the thought, the poet looked outside the window which offered a contrast in a picture of life and youthfulness. The trees were young and seemed to run away at a speed while little children merrily rushed out of their homes.


16.What was the poet’s childhood fear? ***

Ans: the poet had a fear since her childhood days that one day she would lose her mother. She could not reconcile with the thought and it always haunted her.


17.What do the sprinting trees symbolise? ***

Ans: the sprinting trees are a symbol of life, of youthfulness and vitality. The young green trees seemed to run away as they sped towards the airport.


18.Does the poem appeal to you? In what way? **

Ans: [Students shall give personal options on this]                 



My Mother At Sixty-Six Previous year question 

(most important question)

Class-12: English Question and Answers:




1.“Driving from my parent’s

         home to Cochin last Friday

         morning, I saw my mother,

         beside me,

         doze open mouthed, her face

         ashen like that

         of a corpse.....”

(A)Where was the poet driving to? (1 marks)

(B)What did she notice when her mother sat beside her? (1 marks)

(C)Find words from the passage that mean ‘sleep lightly’ and ‘death body’. (1 marks)

(D)Why was her mother’s face like that a corpse? (1 marks)


2.Why has the mother been compared to the ‘late winter’s moon’? (2 marks).



2013 YEAR

1.Why has the poet brought in the image of the merry children ‘spilling out of the homes? (2 mark)


 Class-12: English Question and Answers:


2014 YEAR

1.“but after the airport’s

  Security check, standing a few yards

  Away, I looked again at her, wan, pale

  As a late winter’s moon and felt that old

  Familiar ache, my childhood’s fear,

  But all I said was, see you son, Amma,

  All I did was smile and smile and smile.......”

(A)What did the speaker do after the security check? (1 marks)

(B)Why did the poet compare her mother’s face to a late winter’s moon? (1 marks)

(C)What was the poet’s childhood fear? (1 marks)


1.What is the kind of pain and ache that the poet’s feel? (2 marks).

2.Explain the statement: “I saw my mother....her face ashen like that of a corpse”. (2 marks).



2015 YEAR

1.“.......and felt that old

     Familiar ache, my childhood’s fear,

     But all I said was, see you soon, Amma,

     All I did was smile and smile and smile......”

(A)What was the childhood fear that now troubled the poet? (1 marks)

(B)What do the poet’s parting words suggest? (1 marks)

(C)Why did the poet smile and smile? (1 marks)


2.Why has the mother been compare with the ‘late winter moon’? (2 mark)



2016 YEAR

1.Why has the poet brought in the image of the merry children ‘spilling out of the homes? (2 marks).



2017 YEAR


1.What do the young sprinting trees signify? (2 marks).

2.Why has the mother been compare with the ‘late winter moon’? (2 marks).

2018 YEAR

1.What are the ‘merry children spilling out of their homes’ symbolic of? (2 marks).


Class-12: English Question and Answers:

2019 YEAR

1.“Driving from my parent’s

         home to Cochin last Friday

         morning, I saw my mother,

         beside me,

         doze open mouthed, her face

         ashen like that

         of a corpse.....”

(E)Where was the poet driving to? (1 marks)

(F)What did she notice when her mother sat beside her? (1 marks)

(G)Find words from the passage that mean ‘sleep lightly’ and ‘death body’. (1 marks)

(H)Why was her mother’s face like that a corpse? (1 marks)


2.What is the significance of the parting words of the speaker and her smile in ‘My Mother at Sixty-Six’? (2 marks).



2020 YEAR

1.What do you young sprinting trees signify in the poem, ‘My Mother at Sixty-Six’? (2 marks).

2.Why has the mother been compare to the ‘late winter’s moon’ in the poem, “My Mother at Sixty-Six”? (2 marks)



My Mother at Sixty Six PDF coming soon:

More 👇👇

More Chapter:


Chapter -1: The Last Lesson

Chapter -2: Lost Spring

Chapter -3: Deep Water

Chapter -4: Indigo

Chapter -5: Going Places

Chapter -6: Memoirs of a Chota Sahib

All Chapter: 1 too 6



Chapter - 1: The Tiger King 

Chapter - 2:  Journey to the End of the Earth


Class-12: English Question and Answers:






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